Sunday, November 26, 2006

Longing for Sweetness

Tis the season for eating, okay feasting. What I've noticed as I scarf down that second piece of pecan pie is that I can get really, really full without feeling satisfied. I bet I'm not the only one.

It took me awhile to name this card and understand it's meaning. For me it is about using cookies/brownies/ice cream/etc. when I'm wanting to feel loved, to feel included, to feel safe.

I am the one who craves sweetness.
I am the one who can hardly wait for the delicious taste of mom's touch.
I am the one who is hungry for love.

And if food substitues for love too often, well, we get fat. One writer who has a lot of say on that subject is Geneen Roth. Prevention magazine also has some excellent articles you can read on-line regarding emotional eating. Perhaps you are someone who prefers to work with a real person regarding their issues rather than read a book. Check out one of our SoulCollage facilitators, Dr. Laurie Andreoni who supports healthy eating. Anne Marie Bennett, producer of the Kaleidosoul web site, has a inspiring article on use of SoulCollage with weight issues.