Today I am excited to be talking to Seena B. Frost, the originator of the SoulCollage® process. I met Seena first through her book: SoulCollage. Then, in 2004, I took a SoulCollage® facilitator training and met Seena in person. Now, here we are, having a conversation about her new book SoulCollage® Evolving, An Intuitive Collage Process for Self-discovery and Community.
1. How has SoulCollage® changed in the years since your first book, SoulCollage®, An Intuitive Collage Process for Individuals and Groups, was published?
Mainly it has grown! There are nearly 1000 Facilitators now, all over this country and the world. Lots of people with SoulCollage® cards in hand.
I just hope that our core principles are maintained so people do not begin to read other’s cards for them or sell their cards or make cards for a given list of Neters, rather than making ones for those Neters they recognize within themselves or that have grabbed them to guide and challenge. These would be changes that would make the resulting practice no longer SoulCollage®.
What are the 3 most important things for a SoulCollage® beginner to keep in mind?
This is a difficult question because so much depends on what people bring with them, in their minds, as they come to the experience. One, I suppose that I would say that there are almost no rules in doing this process, and that whatever they create will be right. Ask them to send their inner critic out to tea so they can just have fun creating.
Two, as they browse for images, I would ask them to get out of their minds, and let the images choose them. Trust the process: trust that what grabs their interest has hidden depths of meaning that they don’t need to know yet.
Of course four is the experience of speaking from the image, the “I Am One Who” process, which it’s best not to warn them about until you are ready to do it for the first time. Surprise is number four. Let them be surprised by the activity of participating in an image.
If different, what are the 3 most important things you would want experienced SoulCollage® artists to keep in mind?
For experienced SoulCollagers, I would have some different reminders. It’s my experience that people who attempt to do the practice completely on their own at home very often fail to follow through. I cannot underline too strongly the need for an on-going community or at least one other person that you meet and work with. It may be an on-going support group of just three or four, or even an on-line group that you check in with regularly. This is because your cards want to be seen! You need to show them and read from them and be surprised by them again and again within some sort of community framework. So this is number one.
The third is to keep creating cards. Always be watching for images that grab you. If someday you have too many cards, put those with less energy or the ones that are repeats of others, in a retirement box. Look through them at times to see if an image has reignited for you.
And to add a fourth reminder: Be sure to create the Transpersonal cards and to integrate the understanding of the One and the Many into your practice. It is a core piece of SoulCollage® if you want this process to be part of your spiritual life and not just your psychological life.
In speaking from a card is it better to start from a single image or from the card as a whole?
Definitely begin with an image, usually a central image unless a lesser image on the card grabs your attention as you turn the card over in a reading. It is much easier to actively participate in the energy of one image than to try to speak from the energy of the whole card, even though it is the same energy. At least it should be the same energy. Our right brain is best at imagining and role playing, and that part will go directly to the image that intrigues it. I think it is our left brain that will best speak about the whole card, explain it and talk about its meaning. The left brain is our interpreting part and it gets to name a card. However this naming needs to come second, after the image has spoken. Then the left brain will have the intuitive information it needs to go on and name and explain and interpret the whole card. This process does not forbid, or even consider inferior, our thinking and interpreting function. It is the order in which they are used that is important.